European Construction Industry Federation European Federation of Building and Woodworkers

Paritarian Social Funds in the Construction Industry


Casa Sociala a Constructorilor


Type of fund


25, Episcopul Timus Street, 1st District, RO-011611 Bucharest



Laurentiu PLOSCEANU, President
Tel : +40 21 316 8342 - Fax : +40 21 300 8023 -
Dan CRISTESCU, Vice-President
Tel : +40 21 316 8342 - Fax : +4021 300 8023 -

General Information  

General Information


The Builders’ Social House is a non-profit, autonomous, paritarian organization with its own capital and legal personality, established based upon the Law No. 215/1997 of the CSC.


Its founding members are the following:

  • Romanian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs (ARACO) - member of the FIEC;
  • Employers’ Federation of the Construction Materials Industry (PATROMAT);
  • Employers’ Association of the Regional Autonomous Administrations of Roads and Bridges of Deva, on the one hand




  • General Federation of Trade Unions “FAMILIA” - member of the EFBWW;
  • National Trade Union Federation of Construction Assembly “ANGHEL SALIGNY”;
  • Federation of Trade Unions of the Railways and Ways of Communication Builders,

on the other hand.


The CSC’s main function is to administrate the social protection fund for the construction sector.

The social protection consists in the payment, during the winter period (1st November - 31st March), of an indemnity per employee amounting 75% of the average basic gross wages from the last 3 months, without loosing the employee rights.

The service of social protection of the construction workers provided by CSC is exclusively reserved to the employees with individual labour contract of the economic agents-members.



In the twelve years of function there were more than 267,000 workers that benefited from the protection granted by the CSC, to which were paid 32.8 million euro. 


The CSC’s secondary aim is to stimulate the activity in construction and production of construction materials by:

  • granting guarantee letters to the member companies participating in tenders; from the year 2004, the CSC granted to its member companies more than 760 guarantee letters, totalling over 17.6 million euro.


  • developing a competent work force in the construction sector adapted to the increasing requirements of the competitional market; in order to comply with this objective, in 2004 was set up the Vocational Training House of Builders foundation (VTHB) - having the CSC as single founding member.


    Since its establishment, the VTHB has successfully completed several projects financed from the PHARE Programme and other European financing sources and is currently involved in carrying out several strategic and grant projects financed from the European Social Fund.


  • lobbying public authorities and other legal entities to promote the economic and social interests of its members.


The CSC counts at present over 580 companies - members covering about 30% of the employees of the construction sector in Romania.


In the last years, the CSC - observer member from the AEIP of April 2008, developed close relations with the ILO, at the request of which it trying to promote the CSC’s project in the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia and other countries from region